Sunday, August 5, 2012

Counting Already?

under the sea countingAlex loves to count things. We count all the time: bath tub toys, Goldfish, books, cars, toes & fingers. For the past several weeks, I’ve heard him imitating my voice inflection and “counting” pictures in his books and on his posters. He also loves to point out the numbers when we are reading number books or looking at his posters. I’ve heard him say “two” and “three” and maybe “four” while reading or counting toys.

I was really surprised the other night when he pointed to the “two” in his favorite numbers book and said, “two” before I could. He did the same thing with “three”! The best thing is, I don’t think it was my imagination – he did the same for Tim this morning and again for me when we were reading before bed! Maybe my little man needs to dress up as The Count for Halloween this year!

I don’t have a video of him counting yet, but I’ll be working on it!

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