Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On the Road … Part 4

On day 4 of our visit to Spartanburg, we spent some time at the neighborhood park near Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Workman’s house. I started by walking Alex to the “toddler” playground. He ran up the stairs, zoomed down the slide, then eyed the “big-kid” playground … and took off running. I guess he saw the big slide and just had to try it out. It’s amazing how much he loves slides now that he’s decided they aren’t too scary. At this park, he was still using his feet to scoot down the slide, but now he’s figured out how to keep his feet out of the way and goes fast!!


I love how proud of himself he is!

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He tried every slide …


… and even attempted a ladder!

After getting all sweaty and running into the wife of a guy I went to high school with (we started talking because our boys looked exactly alike with their blonde curls, then made the connection), we walked the couple of blocks to the Great-Grandparents’ house for lunch. Alex did a great job of sitting at the fancy dining room table with the pretty china, and even ate some good home-cooking. But, I think his favorite part of the afternoon was discovering Beau, the cat.

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Alex was so happy to see Beau!


Then he was so mad when Beau escaped onto the porch.


Just taking a short walk with Great-Grandma.

Alex quickly passed out on the way home.

There isn’t much to report about the ride home on Friday, day 5. Once again, Alex did a great job in the car. I’m so proud of how well he did all week … between riding in the car, sleeping in a new bed, and staying so busy, he did a great job! Except for missing Daddy, our trip was quite the success!

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