Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Love My T.R.U.C.K!

IMG_5244Alex has been going through a truck and car phase lately. He just loves driving everything that can drive around the room, on the walls, or on me. He sits on them, stands in them, and stacks them – he’s very creative with them! His absolute favorite truck is (and always has been) his yellow metal Tonka dump truck from Grandpa Art. Before he could even walk, he would push that truck around on his knees!

Alex is also going through an I-don’t-want-to-share-my-truck phase. It doesn’t matter who is over to play, he just does not want anyone else to so much as touch his dump truck. Take last weekend – we had friends over for dinner. Lukas, who is very close to Alex’s age, wanted to push the dump truck. Alex pushed him away and fussed about it being his truck. Then, while Lukas wasn’t looking, he pushed the dump truck to the other side of the house … and hid it!! Can you believe it! He looked up at Tim as if to say, “please don’t give it away,” and left it hidden behind the smoker!

Yesterday, Alex and I went on a walk with his truck. After a few houses, he turned the truck back to our house and started trying to climb in (thanks to the 3rd and 7th grade neighbors who showed this trick to him over the weekend)! So, being the awesome Mom that I am, I helped him on and started pushing him … here’s the proof!

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