Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On the Road … Part 3

On day 3 of our visit to Spartanburg, we spent the afternoon with my good friend, Amanda, and her family. Her little girl, Cerys, is 4 months older than Alex, so it’s always a lot of fun getting together with her family. We started with lunch and some fun on the playground. After watching Cerys going down the slide, Alex finally attempted the slide on his own – yay!! He is now crazy about slides (as you will see in my next post). Then we spent lots of time playing at Amanda’s house. My two favorite parts of the day: Cerys saying “yucko” everytime she got close enough for Alex’s drool to rub off on her & Cerys kissing Alex.


Alex finally mastered the slide!


He’s not bad at going up either!




I’m not sure how this got started,
but they were having so much fun!

The kids were so good, and I loved having a chance to catch up with Amanda. We pushed both kids hard – they didn’t even take their naps til we left around 5:00. Alex was asleep before we had pulled out of Amanda’s neighborhood! Too bad we live 5 hours apart!!

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