Thursday, August 9, 2012

(Not) Feeding Kovu

Even though he’s not quite two, Alex already has a few chores. One is helping with the laundry, and another is helping feed Kovu. He used to try to scoop the food, but he got frustrated at not being able to scoop more than 4 or 5 pieces at a time (Kovu got pretty frustrated too). So now, he sits next to the food and pours each scoop in the dish after I do the scooping. Then he stands up and carries the food over to the mat where Kovu eats. At least, that how he used to help. Now he likes to set the dish in the middle of the room, waits until Kovu starts eating, then laughs hysterically and moves the dish to another location. Kovu has been a very good sport about it! The other night, Alex decided to really change things up and dumped the entire bowl of food down the ramp of his parking garage. O. My. G, as Cerys would say!! I was cooking dinner and didn’t realize what was happening until I heard the food pouring down the ramp. Tim was on his computer and jumped up to record the clean-up:

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