Monday, August 27, 2012

On the Road … Part 2

Well, it looks like we were so busy on our mini vacation that I didn’t get the chance to make any more posts! I guess it’s time to catch everyone up …

On day 2 of our visit to Spartanburg, we took Alex to visit Great-Grandma Watzin and her dog, Daisy, before heading to the Greenville Zoo. Alex enjoyed visiting with Great-Grandma, but I have to say that his favorite part of the visit was walking and playing tuggy with Daisy.

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After a quick ride over to the Greenville Zoo, we got to visit elephants, tigers, and bears … oh my! Actually, we were kind of disappointed by the zoo. It seemed like we did lots of walking without seeing very many animals. The dinky zoo by us in Wilmington definitely had a better selection of animals!


Kovu, is that you?


Hitching a ride with Grandpa.

Alex 342
Watching giraffes with Mommy.


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