Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On the Road … Part 1

Alex and I have been thinking about taking a road trip up to Spartanburg to visit my parents, sister, grandparents, and my friend Amanda. As you can imagine, Tim and Kovu have not been so excited about all that thinking! Eventually, I made some plans, and we decided to be brave and attempt a long car ride by ourselves.

Alex couldn’t have been more perfect! I am so proud of him! We only stopped 2 times, but we made sure to spend lots of time eating snacks and running around. On the first leg of our journey, Alex played with his toys, watched out the window, and ate several snacks. After our first stop at the SC welcome center, he fell quickly asleep for most of the second leg. Then we met Grandpa Art and Aunt Kelsey at a park in Columbia and ran around for a while. I didn’t want to jinx my bad luck, so I put Alex’s favorite movie on for the last leg. The stops made the day much longer, but I’m so glad we had the chance to stretch our legs and get a break from the car.

Keep your fingers crossed that the way back home on Friday goes as smoothly!


Following the sidewalk at the SC Welcome Center


They brought me a ball!


Follow that ball!

I really think you should go get that ball!

Hitching a ride with Grandpa Art

Can he get any more spoiled?

Come back soon to read about the rest of our journey!

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