Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2 Year Check-Up

IMG_6421Today was Alex’s 2 year check-up. He did such a great job and was his usual charming self for Dr. May. She was particularly impressed with how good he was while she examined him (he usually looks at her quizzically or laughs at her) and even commented on his leg muscles. That boy is STRONG! He only had to get 2 shots, but he definitely cried/shouted much more this visit than he ever has before. Thank goodness I brought his favorite cookies from Gma Murff – as soon as he saw them the tears just turned off.


Here are his 2 year stats!

Height: 35 inches … 66th %ile (grew 1.5 inches since June)

Weight: 27.4 pounds … 44th %ile (gained 1 pound since June)

*At 2 years, you can double a boy’s height to estimate his full grown height … so Alex should be somewhere around 5 ft 10 in by the time he is done growing. Definitely taller than Mommy, but thankfully not too tall!

In the past 2 weeks, Alex’s vocabulary has really taken off! He shows a lot of interest in trying to say more words, works to more clearly pronounce several old words, and puts several words together. He is amazingly coordinated and strong. He is busy, busy, busy all day long – throwing and kicking balls, chasing Kovu, spinning in circles (to the point I get dizzy, but he rarely falls down), and of course racing cars, driving cars and walls and windows, and crashing anything he can think of to crash. He loves all things that go and tells me all about the cars, trucks, busses, and airplanes he sees when we are driving around town. We are working on colors and counting. He knows yellow, red, blue, and green pretty consistently and loves to help count anything and everything. He has also started reading pages out of his books to us – he says nonsensical words, but he is pointing to pictures and clearly mimicking us. I love it!

I love my time at home with Alex and am so thankful Tim works so hard to keep me home. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

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