Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ripley’s Aquarium

Alex and I took a road trip to Myrtle Beach to visit our friends Amanda, Crey, and Cerys while they were on vacation. Since Alex is currently interested in fish, we decided to spend the afternoon at Ripley’s Aquarium on the Boardwalk. We had tons of fun! It wasn’t crowded at all, so Alex and Cerys basically had the run of the whole aquarium. We had to work hard to keep up with them!


The best part of the aquarium was the shark tunnel. Alex and Cerys loved running as fast as they could on the moving sidewalk … making it hard for the adults to enjoy all the fish and sharks!

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After a chilly run around the Boardwalk, we ended up having lunch at Hard Rock Café. Alex and Cerys were way past bedtime by then were kind of silly … and lovey! Once I got Alex back in the car with his comfy sweatpants, it didn’t take but 2 minutes for him to fall asleep. What a fun adventure!


It doesn’t look like it, but Cerys was kissing on Alex too. ;-)

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