Monday, December 17, 2012

The Polar Express & Alex’s 1st Date

Several parents from the MOMS Club brought their munchkins to a reading of The Polar Express at the Wilmington Railroad Museum Saturday night. In one more year, I think Alex would LOVE it … this year I think he was just happy to be surrounded by choo-choos. I tried to convince him to sit on the floor with his friends in front of the reader, but he didn’t seem too impressed with that idea. So, he stood in one of the chairs by me and alternated between counting choo-choos and paying attention to the book. Tim and I have been reading The Polar Express all week, so I know he recognized and enjoyed the book – I just think he wasn’t thrilled with a strange man (some local new personality) reading it! After the reading, Santa and a helper came out. The helper passed out bells, and after most of the kids had moved to the next room for hot chocolate, Alex did eventually go up for a bell. He wanted nothing to do with Santa, though! He did know who he was and seemed excited to see him at least. Here are the 2 pictures we were able to get:

photo 1
Alex held onto his Polar Express ticket the entire time!

photo 2
It’s hard to tell, but he’s still holding his ticket and his bell while climbing the caboose.

After the story and seeing Santa, we went out for pizza with 2 other moms and their families. We had a lot of fun, but the best part of the night was Alex and Ellie holding hands and hugging after we left the restaurant! Ellie’s mom and I were so happy to watch our sweeties on their first date … hehe.

photo 3
They wouldn’t let go … even though Ellie’s car was in the other direction!

photo 4
What a sweet hug!

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