Monday, December 3, 2012

The Christmas Season Begins!

Mom and I have both seen fun Christmas crafts for toddlers all over the internet. So, we finally made one instead of just talking about them. When Mom was here for Thanksgiving, we traced Christmas cookie cutters on scraps of felt to make felt “ornaments” for a Christmas tree. Then, Alex and I picked up green felt from Hobby Lobby so I could trace and cut out a tree to put on the wall. It’s been a while since my old teacher hands have cut shapes, so I was very thankful when Tim picked up an extra pair of scissors to give me a hand. I think he ended up cutting out more than me. The tree met approval with Alex and his friend, Ellie at our play date after I got it on the wall. I think Alex prefers taking all the ornaments off with one swipe of his hand … but at least that means I get to make it look pretty all over again!
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