Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

We spent Easter weekend with my parents in Spartanburg. For the most part, PaPa and Tim worked on the patio while BaBa, Alex, and I visited with Aunt Beth and my Grandparents. We also took a trip over to Greenville to see my other Grandmother and Aunt Mary. We were quite busy! Since we wouldn’t be around for Easter dinner on Sunday, PaPa smoked a turkey for Saturday night’s dinner and Aunt Beth made a homemade strawberry chocolate chip cake! Yummy!! Aunt Beth gave Alex bubbles and my parents gave him a Mater shirt (you can see it in the first picture), Cars stickers, and more bubbles as Easter treats.

Luckily, the Easter Bunny was still able to find Alex on Easter morning before heading back home. This year, Alex found my old Easter basket!

I wonder if he remembers playing with that school bus all through Super Target a month ago?

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The boys were passed out on the way home – Alex fell asleep with his hand still in the Goldfish bag!

We got home and found more Easter gifts from Grandpa Art & Ms. Karen.

Peeking at the next basket of goodies from Great-Aunt Cyndi. He also got a card from Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Strunck.

Helping me re-stuff the eggs!

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