Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Precious Cookie

Alex loves to go grocery shopping with me for three main reasons:

1. Samples in the produce department

2. Driving the race car shopping cart

3. Cookie!

About half way through our list, he starts chanting, “cookie, cookie” and points down every aisle towards the registers. We almost always go to Harris Teeter for this very reason. They keep a box of cookies just past the register for “kids of all ages”. It’s pure genius – instead of a cookie in the bakery, you keep reminding your child to be good and they get their sweet reward at the end. Alex is always very happy to devour his cookie while I’m loading the groceries in the car and strapping him in his seat. He even bites the cookie into a crescent moon shape and tells me it’s the moon (sometimes he makes a flying bird instead).

The other day was different, and I’m not sure why. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I looked back and saw that Alex had proudly propped his cookie on his window sill.


He left it there for the 4 minute drive back to our house.


He still hadn’t grabbed it until I had come around to open his door. Tim said he must have been testing my driving skills. I sure wish I knew what he’d been thinking!

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