Thursday, April 11, 2013

Playing With Food

Sometimes, we get pretty creative when it comes to convincing Alex to eat. It’s not even that he won’t eat – he just prefers a pretty limited diet. Daddy started this trick the other morning with waffles and Alex insisted we continue the tradition with his strawberries and bagel.


Another “let’s play with our food” moment came earlier this week when I finally succumbed to the terrible cold Daddy and Alex had last week/weekend. As beautiful as it was outside earlier this week, I couldn’t bring myself to face the pollen, or even to spend much time off the couch. So … we turned the Mega Bloks table into a construction zone…complete with a big box of stale Cheerios!

I’m so glad my mom suggested this table over my original idea of a cookie sheet on a towel!
Almost every vehicle had a turn with the Cheerios – as did Alex.
At some point, Alex decided Kovu must want Cheerios.
The entire downstairs was covered in Cheerios! Thank goodness for our furry vacuum cleaner!

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