Monday, April 29, 2013

Katherine & Harper’s Wedding

On Friday and Saturday, Tim and I celebrated Katherine and Harper’s wedding! Katherine lived across the hall from me freshman year and now we live only 30 minutes apart! The five of us have gotten together often since we moved to Charlotte, so we’ve been especially excited for this weekend.

While Alex would have looked quite dashing in a tux, we chose to leave him with Baba & Papa and take advantage of two date nights. Friday night, I picked Tim up from the airport just before dinner and Katherine’s pre-wedding reception.

Al, Kat, Amber
College besties – Allison, Katherine and me!

Alex enjoying a picnic with Baba & Papa while Mommy & Dada enjoy a night out.

Saturday night was the wedding and great reception at Dressler’s Restaurant. It was so much fun to have two nights out with my best friends and their guys! Of course, it was even nicer to have two nights out with my hubby – especially before this baby arrives!

We clean up rather nicely, don’t you think?

Amanda and me discussing due dates (Amanda, May 11 and me, July 11)

A quick hug with the beautiful bride before heading home.

Alex spent the evening playing with his new car “whee”, aka slide. No, we didn’t trade Kovu in for a black dog – my parents were puppy-sitting my sister’s dog, Onyx.


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