Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Alex Pollock

That was Tim’s name for Alex after I sent him a ton of pictures of Alex painting with his new easel from Grandma and Grandpa Murff … or since I’m renaming people today … GaPa and BaBa.

GaPa and BaBa gave Alex an easel with chalk, markers, finger paint, and all the necessary supplies for Christmas. Since we were starting to pack the Wilmington house at that point, we decided to leave the easel in Spartanburg and have them bring it to Charlotte once we were ready. Between boxes all over the house and BaBa’s surgery, we just got the easel to Charlotte. Since our Easter Egg Hunt was cancelled due to the cold weather, I decided it was time to be brave and break out the paint.

An hour and 4 paintings later, I’d say it was a success!

We started with just finger painting, but Alex kept asking me to clean his fingers …

… so I grabbed some corks to use as stamps. Alex LOVED that idea.

Once he was bored of the corks, we used Q-Tips. I love his look of concentration here.

I asked him to let me paint his hand so we could make handprints. Obviously, I don’t have pictures, since I was painting my hand … but that’s ok since he decided to spend the next 15 minutes painting his own hand and making more prints!

Back to more finger painting! Now maybe he’ll let me start doing some cute foot and hand print art!

He’s asking me to FaceTime BaBa again so he can show her his hand prints.

Waiting for BaBa to answer – he can’t wait for her to watch him paint!

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