Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patty’s & a Birthday

On Saturday the 16th, all of Charlotte celebrated my birthday! Well, that’s what I tell myself when St. Patty’s Day celebrations fall on the same day as my birthday. Since it was sunny and in the 70’s, we skipped the parade and ventured off to the National Whitewater Center's Green River Revival. Aunt Beth and Uncle Eric came up to join in the fun, and Miss Katherine and Mr. Harper met us there. We enjoyed some yummy tacos, live music, and lots of sunshine. Obviously, I didn’t get to partake in any beer, but there was an amazing draft selection! I was jealous! Alex had tons of fun climbing the rocks, checking out the Subarus on display, and playing with new friends. The NWC is beautiful, and we can’t wait to go back on a less crowded day to hike some of their trails.

After settling in a spot, one of the first things Alex did was steal my shoes and walk around in them.

You can see the river after it was dyed green, Alex’s dinosaur skull and crossbones hat, and his drool. We were surprised he wore his hat for so long.

Alex was obsessed with the Subarus!

Alex tackling his new friend. Too bad she isn’t old enough to baby-sit! The played frisbee with him, let him knock her over with a hula hoop, then let him tackle her. That was a nice break!

Amber and Kat
Katherine and I take a quick photo break.

Green River Revival
Awesome shot of the river taken by Katherine’s soon-to-be-hubby, Harper.

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