Sunday, March 3, 2013

Daddy Takes a Trip to Mexico

Last week, Tim took a business trip to southern Arizona and Mexico to view the new Rubbermaid Healthcare plant. He had a great time and had an even more successful trip. They’re gearing up to start promoting and selling their CareLink Mobile Nurse’s Station for which he’s been writing the software. It’s been top secret, so I was excited to hear they have just released their first promotional video. It’s nice to finally be able to see what Tim has been working so hard on!

While Tim was out of town, Alex, Kovu, and I took a trip down to Spartanburg for a few days. I didn’t take many pictures, but here are a few highlights:

Alex and Kovu piled in the back seat of my Altima. Alex loved it!

An original Alex idea: a book nook inside Kovu’s crate.

Beth and I went out for a Happy Hour/Sister Date – this melted Moon Pie with ice cream, caramel sauce, and peanut butter sauce was just one of the delicious creations at Back Porch.

The ride back to Charlotte was much quieter – Kovu was asleep 5 minutes into the ride, and Alex joined him 5 minutes after that.

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