Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Romp N’ Roll

Today was our 2nd visit to a little gym called Romp N’ Roll. We attended a class that mixes music/dancing with a little bit of gym instruction. The first class we attended was a few weeks ago, and Alex did a great job! He loved the music session of the class and just generally explored the gym during the 2nd part of class.

Today was a Terrible Twos version of the same class. While he was excited and interested in the class, once we were in the gym, Alex had no desire to participate with the other students. I think the class is a little confusing to him, since they switch back and forth between music and gym several times, and apparently, Alex was most excited about gym today. Instead of returning to the front for a few songs, Alex stayed here and screamed for me to stay with him!


He did finally get excited once the musical instruments came out. Check out his perch during one of the last songs. At least he’s making progress back towards the front of the room!


The teachers encourage free play and exploration, which is good – otherwise I would have had to carry a tantrum throwing two-year-old back into the lobby. Next week, we’ll be trying the gym only class, and I think it will be a success:


Wish me luck!

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