Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Patient Kovu?

Anyone who knows Kovu knows he hasn’t always been impressed by Alex. While he’s always been careful not to hurt him, he generally tries to stay away from him … unless Alex is giving him food. From one of the first times Kovu had the chance to inspect Alex, we could almost see him wondering what in the world had come into his life and moved him to the bottom of the Totem Pole.

Is it a puppy or a baby?
Is this a puppy or a human?

That’s why these next two pictures are so amazing. I almost wonder if he knows another Strunck boy is on the way and that he might as well give up? Either way, this was a big moment!

We don’t know what possessed him to walk over there and sit on Kovu …

… but he sure was excited that his plan finally worked out!

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